Elite Health is Your Health & Wellness Clinic in Fort Worth, Texas!

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The Elite Health Staff

Elite Health is your health & wellness clinic located in the heart of downtown Fort Worth, Texas. We are proud to be locally owned and operated and strive to bring the best services possible to our neighborhood! Our Founder, Dr. Menzies, wanted to share his love and passion of health and wellness to his already established Southwest Vein & Leg patients (our sister practice located in the same building). His goal was to create a clinic that focuses on getting and keeping his patients on top of their health through different wellness services. https://elitehealthiv.com/about/

He put together a diverse group of physicians and providers whose desire is to change the status of healthcare from responsive to proactive. In order to carry out this type of approach we practice what we preach! As a group, our staff is dedicated to living a healthy lifestyle and strive to set the best possible example for our patients. We all make fitness a part of our daily routine and try to keep our nutrition in check. At 50 years old, Dr. Menzies still leads a very active lifestyle and knows from personal experience that remaining active is the best way to stay on top of your health as you age. Our patient’s health and wellness are our top priority and we are excited about helping you reach your health and fitness goals!

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We strive to be your affordable one-stop wellness solution! One of our most popular services is personal training that is covered by most commercial insurance plans (Medicare not accepted). We have certified personal trainers on staff that are able to customized your workout sessions to meet your physical abilities. Have an injury? No problem! Our trainers are experienced in working with patients that might have chronic illnesses, medical restrictions and injuries and can modify your workouts to meet your capabilities. 
We also offer IV vitamin therapy and we have our own Doctor approved supplement line. Our supplement line includes greens, fat burners, joint formula and a pre-workout; all of which are available for purchase on our website.

Browse our website and check out all we have to offer! https://elitehealthiv.com/


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